The Manikapur village in Nepal’s Bheri Zone falls under the Banke District of the country. This small village has a population of only five thousand. This village now is administered by the Nepalgunj council as it is now part of the city.
Flying to Manikapur: Nepalgunj Airport (210 m away) is the closest airport to Manikapur. The airport provides domestic flights to Bajura, Dolpa, Jumla, Kathmandu, Simikot.
Driving to Manikapur:
Destination | Distance (km) | Time (hh:mm) |
Nepalgunj | 8.2 km | 0:17 |
Phatepur | 18 km | 0:37 |
Gulariya | 44.1 km | 1:09 |
Tulsipur | 120 km | 2:32 |
Ghorahi | 148 km | 2:55 |
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